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change to practical school uniform

by:Collarblend Uniform     2020-02-17
Parents usually work outside these days and have little time left.
In the past good times, you may have a parent who has been staying at home all the time and doing all the housework, including ironing children and washing their dirty white shoes on weekends.
Families with wage workers who do housework are also lucky.
Their children can enjoy TV, books, computer games or other activities.
My son is not so lucky.
Every weekend my wife and I would have him wash his white shoes and steam --
Iron his white school uniform. My 11 year-
The son recently asked, \"Why don\'t they let us wear t-
No shirt for ironing?
\"That\'s a good idea!
I didn\'t even think that I had finished my whole school education.
Just because an adult asked us to Iron school uniforms or wash our white shoes --
We do it without any doubt.
Should we listen to the child once now?
I said to my son, \"This is a very good idea.
They should also allow you to wear black shoes.
Then you don\'t even need to apply white shoe fluid.
\"I did see many of the benefits of canceling white school uniforms and white sneakers: 1.
Children don\'t burn their fingers with an iron. 2.
Parents can save a lot of time if they are ironing school uniforms. 3.
If we don\'t have to iron school uniforms, we will use less electricity. 4.
The environment is protected when we do not use white liquid polish shoes.
Production in Poland can stop.
Think about thousands of plastic polish bottles that won\'t be discarded.
If you search quickly on the Internet, you will find that most students in the world do not wear white shoes like our Malaysian students.
I urge the Ministry of Education to consider changing school uniforms to LED t-
Shirt for students to wear canvas shoes in black.
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